Design and technology
Designing Graphics Electronics Materials Manufacturing Tools Software


Welcome to the Design and Technology web links page

Website Contains

TEP data base of Design and Technology terms developed by Mark Hudson.

View the TEP online terms data base >>

Hundreds of useful clipart images and pictures a useful research resource.

View the jrj socrates site >>

The BBC bitesize website. Contains a wealth of information, including the main topics and online tests.

View the BBC bitesize revision site >>
Work out forces, loads, materials and shapes at the bridge lab.

View the building big site >>

More: >>

The technology student website contains a wealth of revision materials.

View the technology student site >>

Try Design and technology quizzes and games.

View the Warren Technology site >>

Technology for school students. Coursework and exam revision help. by Mr Richmond.

View the DT on the web site >>

The Design and tech website contains useful graphic products web links and information.

View the design and tech site >>

The Design and Technology Department website contains a wealth of information for all key stages.

View the DT Department site >>

London's museum of international contemporary design. Contains a wealth of information about designers.

View the Design Museum site >>

Need inspiration on designing, look at current and past design work at design addict.

View the Design Addict site >>

Free photography stock website.

View the sxc site >>

Free photography website. Sign up and share and download images for free.

View the Flickr site >>

Paper Animation Kits and models you make that move. (Some free models are available).

View the Flying Pig site >>

HowStuffWorks explains hundreds of subjects, using clear language and tons of illustrations.

View the How Stuff works site >>

A fun scrapbook of illustrated examples of things that are hard to use because they do not follow human factors principles.

View the Bad Human Factors Design site >>

A simple site which allows users to search for specific D&T topics or terms.

View the Edu Scan site >>




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