Design and technology
Designing Graphics Electronics Materials Manufacturing Tools Software


Below is a sitemap of the Design and Technology website:-

 Food main page >>
          Year seven >>
          Year eight >>
          Year nine >>
 Designing main page >>
          Year seven >>
          Year eight >>
          Year nine >>
          Year ten >>
          Year eleven >>
          Consumer protection >>
          Ergonomics >>
 Graphics >>
          GCSE graphics products revision >>
          Drawing techniques >>
          Nets >>
          Packaging >>
          Audi mp3 player of the future task >>
 Electronics >>
 Materials >>
          Timber >>
          Timber online test >>
                  Hardwoods >>
                  Hardwoods online test >>
                  Softwoods >>
                  Softwoods online test >>
                  Manufactured boards >>
                  The timber tree poster >>
          Material finishes >>
                  Paints >>
                  Wood finishes >>
                  Other finishes >>
          Adhesives >>
          Paper and board >>
                  Paper and board types >>
          Plastics >>
                  Thermosetting plastics >>
                  Thermoplastics >>
          Metals >>
                  Ferrous metals >>
                  Non - ferrous metals>>
 Manufacturing >>
          Tool introduction >>
          Joining materials >>
                  Wood joints >>
                  Joining timber using components >>
          Industrial production techniques >>
                  Scales of production >>
          The environment >>
                  Environmental issues >>
                  Renewable energy >>
          CAD/CAM >>
                  Laser cutting >>
          Printing >>
 Textiles >>
 Software >>
          Photoshop >>
          Corel draw >>
          Pro-desktop >>
 Teachers >>
          The timber tree poster >>
          Naming tables >>
 Revision tests >>


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