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BBC bitesize

View the BBC bitesize food technology pages.

View the BBC Bitesize pages >>

Pimp that snack

View the pimp my snack web pages.

View the pimp my snack pages >>

D+T Online (Food)

View the D+T food web pages.

View the D+T pages >>


Welcome to Mr DT's food technology pages!

Now choose your year group from the navigation panel which is on the left. This section will contain your year group projects and recipies. Mr DT passes on thanks for all the food recipes which are supplied by the Archbishop Lanfranc School in Croydon.

Download a recipe that you have been making in school click on your year below:-

Year seven recipes >>
Year eight recipes >>
Year nine recipes >>

Or check out the great web links below! Useful website links:-

Useful website links Website description
Learn about vitamins and more at the kids health. Kids health pages >>
View the BBC bitesize food technology pages. BBC Bitesize pages >>
See the pimp my snack web pages. Pimp my snack pages >>
View the D+T food web pages. D+T pages >>
Find recipes from website >>
View the curryhouse indian food web pages. Curryhouse pages >>
You can search this site for recipes. Meals for you pages >>
Fight Bacteria with the help of this site. Fight bacteria web pages >>
Nutrition, vitamins, Minerals. Loads of Info.
Nutrition pages >>
Work out your body mass index here. Bodymass index pages >>
Educational cartoon about factory farms. The meatrix >>
Learn more about food labeling. Food labelling >>
See the vegetarian society web pages. The Vegetarian society pages >>


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