Design and technology
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Electronics in schools strategy

This site provides you with a wealth of in-depth support materials.

View the ECT site >>

Deyes high school

View the deyes high school electronics resource pages.

View the deyes high school site >>

Technology student

View the technology student electronics website pages an excellent electronics resource.

View the technology student site >>

BBC electronics bitesize

Revise and test your electronics knowledge at bbc bitesize.

View the bbc bitesize site >>

DT Online

A wealth of information on all electronics topics, check it out!

View the dt online site >>


Welcome to Mr DT's electronics pages!

Pupils can revise or learn about electronics including components, circuits, ohms law, etc. Pupils can then try the ‘quiz time’ questions to test their electronic knowledge. Please select an option from the navigational panel on the left.

This site is still vey new and so is still in the process of being built. Many sections and content have not been added yet. The site will be continuously updated, so if the content you need is not there yet please be patient.

If you have any ideas on how to improve this website please email the webmaster.

Many thanks and have fun learning!














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