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Electronics in schools strategy

This site provides you with a wealth of in-depth support materials.

View the ECT site >>

Deyes high school

View the deyes high school electronics resource pages.

View the deyes high school site >>

Technology student

View the technology student electronics website pages an excellent electronics resource.

View the technology student site >>

BBC electronics bitesize

Revise and test your electronics knowledge at bbc bitesize.

View the bbc bitesize site >>

DT Online

A wealth of information on all electronics topics, check it out!

View the dt online site >>


Welcome to GCSE electronics coursework document pages!

Below are a range of useful documents for pupils currently taking GCSE electronics.

Click to download PDF files File size
Coursework checklist (PDF) >> 9 Kb
How to write an electronics evaluation (PDF) >> 51 Kb
How to write an electronics specification (PDF) >> 48 Kb
Manufacturing checklist (PDF) >> 34 Kb
Tips on what makes a good project (PDF) >> 14 Kb
Your design folder (PDF) >> 50 Kb

Example Circuit diagrams (word docs) File size
Electronic die >> 29 Kb
Electronic sentances >> 29 Kb
Game of skill >> 29 Kb
Latched steady hand >> 34 Kb
Latched steady hand 2 >> 29 Kb
Light sensitive alarm >> 29 Kb
Timed hand >> 29 Kb
Timed steady hand >> 29 Kb
Simple alarm >> 29 Kb
Simple latched steady hand game>> 29 Kb
Steady hand game circuits >> 29 Kb
Dice Project >> 29 Kb

Pro desk top assignment (word docs) File size
Pro-desktop assignment >> 32 Kb

Note: The tutorial is an adobe acrobat file, acrobat reader is free! To download acrobat reader click below:-

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