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Curryhouse recipes

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Welcome to the year eight food technology pages!

Below is a list of useful recipes as word documents. Either download them individually or download all the recipes within one word doc. Then simply print out your recipes and try making them at home! Mr DT passes on thanks for all the food recipes which are supplied by the Archbishop Lanfranc School in Croydon.

Year eight recipes (All recipes word doc) File size
Year eight recipes (All recipes word doc) >> 130 Kb

Year eight recipes (Individual recipes word docs)
Bread and Butter Pudding recipe >>
Apple Crumble recipe >>
Shortbread recipe >>
Cheese Straws recipe >>
Flapjacks/Emma’s Biscuits recipe >>
Nutty Cheese Flapjacks recipe >>
Ginger Biscuit recipe >>
Bread recipe >>
Garlic Bread recipe >>
Chelsea Buns recipe >>
Sweet Scones recipe >>
Savoury Scones recipe >>
Sweet Rock Buns recipe >>
Savoury Rock Buns recipe >>
Fairy Cakes recipe >>
Banana Cake recipe >>
Coconut and Carrot Loaf recipe >>
Brownies recipe >>
Jamaican Gingerbread recipe >>
Swiss Rolls recipe >>
Mandarin and Raspberry Flan recipe >>
Jam Tarts recipe >>
Fruit/Mincemeat Lattice Tarts recipe >>
Sausage Rolls/Cheese Rolls recipe >>
Fruit Slices recipe >>
Filo Money Bags recipe >>

Need more recipe ideas? You can search the meals for you site click here >>


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