Design and technology
Designing Graphics Electronics Materials Manufacturing Tools Software

Ergonomics for schools

A wealth of ergonomic and anthropometric information.

View the ergonomics site >>

Design addict

Need inspiration on designing, look at current and past design work at design addict.

View the design addict site >>

Societal, legal and moral issues

The BBC bitesize site has some good information on Societal, legal and moral issues.

View the bbc bitesize pages >>


See the file below and learn how to use corel draw:-

Corel draw tutorials :-
Corel draw manual >> (17Mb PDF)
How to convert clipart to coreldraw >>
Corel draw tracing tutorial >>
Corel draw rendering tutorial >>
Combining shapes in coreldraw >>
View corel draw tracing movies >>
Corel draw box project tutorial >>
Corel draw clock numerals tutorial >>
Board tutorial >>
Console shape tutorial >>

Below are some example board game layouts. Each file has the correct dimensions for the bed of the laser cutter. Feel free to look at the examples but you will have to change your board to suit your game. Remember the board can be any shape and size remember the board needs to be pieced together from the box.











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