Design and technology
Designing Graphics Electronics Materials Manufacturing Tools Software

Packaging symbols

Revise your knowledge of packaging symbols.

Revise packaging symbols >>

Which magazine

Expert product advice from an independent source.

View the Which magazine website >>

Trading standards

View the Trading Standards website - a one stop shop for consumer protection information in the UK.

View the trading standards site >>

Consumer Protection Association

The Consumer Protection Association is an independent body offering a range of services designed to offer the purchaser of home improvements valuable protection.

View the cpa site >>


Welcome to GCSE graphic coursework document pages!

Below is a range of useful documents for pupils currently taking GCSE graphics. The main documents show your timelines and deadlines. There is also a coursework folder breakdown of what you should consider on your coursework sheets.

Type of document File size File preview


AQA Product design revision guide

The Essentials of GCSE Design & Technology: Product Design (Lonsdale Revision Guides)
by Brian Russell. You will need this guide in order to complete your coursework sheets. You can buy one from the LRC for £3.50 or from most book shops for £5.99.



GCSE project briefs

View the GCSE product design project briefs as a PowerPoint file. Images and useful web links are included within this presentation.

4 Mb


GCSE Coursework manager

Use this coursework manager to tick off your completed work. You will also need to get your teacher to sign off each completed sheet.

31 Kb


Designing your own design sheet

You will need to create a layout for your design sheets. Open an example sheet to see what is required on your layout sheet. Remember look after it as your teacher will need to use it again and again to photocopy.

264 Kb



400 Kb



350 Kb


Product Design cover sheet

This sheet explains how you create a front cover sheet and includes what should appear on your sheet eg: title, Candidate name, Candidate number, Centre number and
Centre name.


426 Kb

Sheet 1

Situation and Design brief

This top sheet explains what you should include on your situation and design brief. The other sheets are examples of how other pupils have done the sheet.

See example word docs:-

Magazine situation and brief >>
Board situation and brief >>
New console situation and brief >>
Jewellery situation and brief >>
Your project situation and brief >>

340 Kb

1.2 Mb

Sheet 2

Timing Plan

This sheet helps you plan what time to spend on your coursework folder and production of your products. Include an introduction and conclusion.

Note: The coursework folder outline here is an outline, if you can get all the coursework content onto fewer pages that is acceptable. Look at timing plan example 2 this pupil used half a sheet and then used the other half for other information. The choice is yours.

More info: See your revision guide page 26 (Starting your project)

170 Kb

1.24 Mb



1.24 Mb

Sheet 3

Research Analysis Brainstorm (Research)

Note: You should try to get sheet 3 and sheet 4 onto the same sheet if possible.

A brainstorm in which you consider a range of different project and different solutions you could come up with for each. You must include a short explanation of what this brainstorm is and why you have done it. Include an introduction and conclusion.

More info: See your revision guide page 28 (Planning your reserach)

also see:
Softwoods >>
Hardwoods >>
Manufactured boards >>
Plastics >>
Thermoplastics >>
Thermosetting plastics >>
Card and board >>

53 Kb

Sheet 4

Research Plan (Research)

Note: You should try to get this information onto the previous sheet if you have room!

This sheet is a checklist or a table to see how you will start your research and how you will achieve your research. Include an introduction and conclusion.

More info: See your revision guide page 28 (Planning your reserach)

487 Kb

Sheet 5

Mood board (Research)

This sheet is used to create a mood about the client, it displays there likes, styles, etc. It is often used as a theme for the inspiration of our design ideas. Add transparent paper over your mood board to add design notes. Include an introduction and conclusion.

Mood board Useful weblinks:

Board game links:
Board games - >>
Board games - >>

Console links:
Console types - >>
PS3 ->>
XBOX - >>
WII - www. >>

Jewellery links:
Plastic jewellery 1 - 1 >>
Plastic jewellery 2 2 >>

Magazine links:
Publishers - >>
Wallpaper - >>
Vibe magazine >>
Shoot magazine >>

666 Kb




400 Kb




400 Kb

Sheet 6

Questionaire (Research)

This sheet contains a questionnaire that you will ask your users and you will present the findings as graphs. Try to get it all onto one sheet. Include an introduction and conclusion.

More info: See your revision guide page 29 (Questionaires)

also see questionaire examples:
Board questionaire >>
Magazine questionaire >>
Console questions >>

666 Kb




200 Kb



1 Mb

Sheet 7

Existing Products (Research)

Find 6- 8 pictures of existing products that are relevant to your project and annotate. Label each image and include; Who will use the product?, Where is the product to be sold?, Where is the product used?, How much does it cost?, How safe and hygienic is it?, How might it have been produced?, etc.

More info: See your revision guide page 29 (Product Analysis)

Product analysis Useful weblinks:

Board game links:
Board games - >>
Board games - >>

Console links:
Console types - >>
PS3 ->>
XBOX - >>
WII - www. >>

Jewellery links:
Plastic jewellery 1 - 1 >>
Plastic jewellery 2 2 >>

Magazine links:
Publishers - >>
Wallpaper - >>
Vibe magazine >>
Shoot magazine >>

400 Kb




253 Kb




400 Kb

Sheet 8

Product Analysis (Research)

Pick two existing products which is similar to the one you are going to produce and analyse them fully. You can also analyse the two products against each other to see which is best. Include an introduction and conclusion.

More info: See your revision guide page 29 (Product Analysis)

Product analysis Useful weblinks:

Board game links:
Board games - >>
Board games - >>

Console links:
Console types - >>
PS3 ->>
XBOX - >>
WII - www. >>

Jewellery links:
Plastic jewellery 1 - 1 >>
Plastic jewellery 2 2 >>

Magazine links:
Publishers - >>
Wallpaper - >>
Vibe magazine >>
Shoot magazine >>

400 Kb




1.2 Mb




1.45 Mb

1.1 Mb

Sheet 9

Materials (Research)

This sheet will contain brief materials research. What materials will you use to make your product? Include an introduction and conclusion.

Note: The BBC Bite size website has a lot of useful info as does your revision guide Click here to see the BBC bitesize site >>

More info: See your revision guide (Paper and Board page 40, Timber page 42, Metals page 45, Plastics page 48)

also see:
Softwoods >>
Hardwoods >>
Manufactured boards >>
Plastics >>
Thermoplastics >>
Thermosetting plastics >>
Card and board >>

321 Kb




287 Kb




184 Kb

Sheet 10

Manufacturing processes (Research)

This sheet will contain manufacturing processes of how your final product would be made in industry; Vacuum forming, injection moulding, etc. List how you could make it in school and in industry (See example 3). Include an introduction and conclusion.

Note: Technology student has a lot of information on manufacturing processes you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page. Technology student >> or try the bbc bitesize site >>

More info: See your revision guide (Moulding page 69, Extrusion page 71, Vacuum forming page 70).

Also see
Printing >>
Laser cutter >>
Vacuum former >>

Injection moulding >>
Blow moulding >>
Casting >>

508 Kb




223 Kb




219 Kb

Sheet 11

Ergonomics (Research)

This sheet will contain ergonomic and anthropometric information. Ergonomics is the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects. Include an introduction and conclusion.

More info: See your revision guide page 21 and the handout sheet.

Also see
Ergonomics for schools >>
Technology student example sheets >>

Technology student ergonomics page >>


666 Kb





Sheet 12

Research Analysis (Research)

This sheet will contain the findings of all your research as a basic summary sheet. You will write down a small paragraph for each of your main research sheets do this as a continuous piece of writing. Include an introduction and conclusion.

More info: See your revision guide page 30.


666 Kb





Sheet 13

Specification (Research)

View this word document it contains all the main headings that you should consider when writing a good specification. This will help you write a good product design specification.

More info: See your revision guide page 31.


666 Kb



1 Mb




1 Mb


Sheet 14 & 15

Busy ideas? (Development - initial ideas)

Here is an examples of an 'A' grade students busy ideas sheet. You will need to do two sheets minimum.

More info: See your revision guide page 32.

Also see
How to sketch >>
Adding thick and thin lines >>

200 Kb


1 Mb




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1 Mb

Sheets 16,17,18
Busy ideas development (Development)

Refine your busy ideas to 3 good ones, include annotations and evaluations. Development means you gradually improve your designs. You will need to present your ideas in a way that someone else can follow and make.

More info: See your revision guide page 32.

Also see
How to sketch >>
Adding thick and thin lines >>

Sheets 19,20,21,22
Final ideas (Development)

Produce four final design sheets to scale.

Sheets 23,24
Final CAD designs (Development)

Here you will need to add all your final Corel draw files for everything that you have printed on the laser cutter.

Sheet 25 Production Plan? (Planning)

This is a file that shows how you have made all your products using drawings or photographs. List what tools and processes you have used.
Sheet 26 Evaluations - Modifications? (Evaluations)

What modifications and improvements did you make during construction? Here is an example modifcations sheet. Use photographs to show your changes.

More info: See your revision guide page 38.
Sheet 27 Evaluations - Testing? (Evaluations)

Test your final product, does it do everything it is meant to do? Does your POS unit work, are your fonts easy to read, etc. Here is a testing evaluation sheet example.

More info: See your revision guide page 37 and 38.
Sheet 28 Consumer evaluations? (Evaluations)

Questionaire / Interview your users and potential customers, would they buy your product, etc? You can only do this once you have finished your products.

More info: See your revision guide page 37 and 38.
Sheet 29 Industrial practices?

On this sheet you reflect on your work. You will check your specification and use it as a guide, mention modifications you did, did you meet all the specification points?

Sheet 30 QA & QC?

On this sheet you will discuss what quality control and quality assessments and what total quality management you implemented and how is it done in industry? How did you ensure your product was made well and is suitable? On this sheet you should consider.

More info: See your revision guide page 65.


Note: The tutorial is an adobe acrobat file, acrobat reader is free! To download acrobat reader click below:-

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