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Manufactured boards DT Materials

Manufactured Boards

Manufactured boards are timber sheets which are produced by gluing wood layers or wood fibres together. Manufactured boards often made use of waste wood materials. Manufactured boards have been developed mainly for industrial production as they can be made in very large sheets of consistent quality. Boards are available in many thicknesses.

Manufactured Board properties:

• Manufactured boards often made use of waste wood materials.
• Saw dust is used to make MDF and hardboard.
• The saw dust is held together with glue.
• Boards are inexpensive so are often used as instead of real woods.
• Manufactured boards do however do not look as good as real woods look.
• Manufactured boards are often covered with a thin layer of real wood which
 is called veneer this improves their appearance.

Manufactured board types Grain image Board Uses Example product

MDF - Smooth, even surface. Easily machined and painted or stained. Also available in water and fire resistant forms. A manufactured board.

Used mainly for furniture and interior panelling due to its easy machining qualities. Often veneered or painted.

Plywood - A very strong board which is constructed of layers of veneer or piles which are glued at 90 degrees to each other. Interior and exterior grades are available. A manufactured board.


Used for strong structural panelling board used in building construction. Furniture making. Some grades used for boat building and exterior work.
Structural panelling

Chipboard - Made from chips of wood glued together. Usually veneered or covered in plastic laminate. A manufactured board.


Used for kitchen and bedroom furniture usually veneered or covered with a plastic laminated. Shelving and general DIY work.

Blockboard - Similar to plywood but the central layer is made from strips of timber. Good for shelves and worktops. A manufactured board.

Used where heavier structures are needed. Common for shelving and worktops.

Hardboard - A very cheap particle board which sometimes has a laminated plastic surface. A manufactured board.

Used for furniture backs, covering curved structures, door panels.
Furnitur backs

Memory tip: Remember SLIM CHIMP!

S- Squashed
L- Layers
I- Industrial
M- Manmade

C- Chipboard
H- Hardboard
I- Inexpensive
P - Plywood

Design and technology question time
Mr DT says 'Read the text above and then answer these questions below'. Write your answers on a sheet of paper, dont forget to write your name on the sheet!:-

1). Note down the manufactured board properties in your own words?
2.) What are manufactured boards made from?
3.) How are manufactured boards made to look better?
4.) How is chipboard made?
5.) What is hardboard used for?
6.) What manufactured board is used for kitchens?
7.) What manufactured board is used for structural panelling?
8.) Why is blockboard good for shelves?

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