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Zombie tutorials

This is a cool Design and Tech link. Turn a picture of yourself or a friend into a zombie, great fun!

Zombie tutorials >>

Designer portrait tutorial

How to make your a Julian Opie portait. Julian Opie is a British artist famous for his work on the BlurGreatest Hits album cover.

Julian opie portrait tutorial >>

Adobe Photoshop FREE tutorials

Free Adobe Photoshop tutorials, watch and learn become a photoshop wizard in hours!

View the photoshop tutorials >>

More Adobe Photoshop FREE tutorials!

Check out the free watch and learn tutorials. You will have to enter your name and email address but it is free!

View the watch and learn tutorials >> limited FREE tutorials! has a few free tutorials for photoshop 7. Only the underlined tutorials are free.

Lynda tutorials >>


What is Adobe Photoshop?

Photoshop is a professional image-editing and graphics software package from Adobe. It provides a large library of effects, filters and layers. Photoshop is the industry standard image editing software package used by graphic designers, web site designers, photographers and other industry professionals.

What does Photoshop do?

Photoshop is an image editing program. It is used to "alter" images like photographs and you can use it to scan artwork with a scanner. Photoshop lets you do a vast range of creative things to photographs including replacing colours, cutting out shapes, adding texture, adding lighting effects, blurring, etc.

Photoshop is often used to edit model photographs that are shown on glossy magazines. The designers can remove blemishes, spots, etc and brighten up the photograph.

The funny emails you may have received have often been worked on in Photoshop by designers. Take a look at what can be done by having a look at this Photoshop contest website.

View the photoshop contest gallery click here >>

What is Resolution?

Resolution is the size of your image. This is measured as DPI (Dots per inch). We can have high, medium and low resolution settings. High resolution images include very good quality photographs from digital cameras. The higher the resolution the better the quality of the image however this also makes the image larger in memory size. The internet uses low quality images to keep down the size of the web pages. The most common image settings are below.

Image size Image Use
72 dpi (Dots per inch) Internet pictures only
150 dpi (Dots per inch) Low resolution printing proofs and photographs.
300 dpi (Dots per inch) Good quality digital camera pictures and the minimum requirement for sending adverts and brochures to the printer.
400+ dpi (Dots per inch) Professional digital cameras, high quality brochures and adverts.

What do the tools do?

Take a look at the screenshots below to get an overview of some of the basic tools. Remember if you don’t know what a tool is in Photoshop then simply hover the mouse over it and a small alt tag will appear saying what the tool does!

Tools screen 1

Photoshop explained

Tools screen 2

Tools screen 3

What next?

Why dont you try the box advert tutorial?
Click here to take the tutorial >>

Or try out the Free Adobe Photoshop tutorials!

Free adobe photoshop tutorials, watch and learn become a photoshop wizard in hours!

View the vtc photoshop tutorials >>

More Adobe Photoshop FREE tutorials!

Check out the free watch and learn tutorials. You will have to enter your name and email address but it is free!

View the watch and learn tutorials >>

  Mr DT says 'Read the text above and then answer these questions below'. Write your answers on a sheet of paper, don't forget to write your name on the sheet!:-

1). What is PhotoShop?
2). What type of projects is PhotoShop used to do?
3). What is resolution?
4). Write down the types of resolution from the resolution table above.

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