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Corel Draw FREE tutorials

Free Corel Draw tutorials, watch and learn become a Corel Draw master in hours!

View the Corel Draw tutorials >>

More Corel Draw FREE tutorials!

Check out the free VTC tutorials. Although you can only see the Intro to CorelDRAW, Page Setup and Viewing tutorials for free they are still worth a look.

View the watch and learn tutorials >>

Getting started with Corel 11

Again we have some free animated tutorials from

Stacking objects >>
Tracing objects using Corel Trace >>
Business card project >>


Welcome to the corel draw 'CD point of sale' net tutorial (hard)

Within this tutorial you will learn the basics of corel draw by producing a net for a CD point of sale unit. You will now need to follow the steps below.

1.) Download the Corel Draw tutorial file and follow the instructions.

Click to download files File size
CD POS corel draw tutorial file (PDF) >> 1.1 Mb

Note: The tutorial is an adobe acrobat file, acrobat reader is free! To download acrobat reader click below:-

Download acrobat reader (FREE) >>

Final CD point of sale unit which you will produce:-

More tutorials:

Corel draw tutorials :-
Corel draw manual >> (17Mb PDF)
How to convert clipart to coreldraw >>
Corel draw tracing tutorial >>
Corel draw rendering tutorial >>
View corel draw tracing movies >>
Combining shapes in coreldraw >>
Corel draw box project tutorial >>
Corel draw clock numerals tutorial >>
Console shape tutorial >>

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