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Welcome to the box advert Photoshop tutorial

Within this tutorial you will learn the basics of Photoshop by producing a box advert. You will now need to follow the steps below.

1.) Download the PDF photo shop tutorial file and follow the instructions.

2) Download the images below. Please save them in your my documents folder, but first create a new folder called ‘box advert’ then save all these files there. Then follow the PDF document photo shop tutorial file instructions. Have fun!

Click to download files File size
Photo shop tutorial file (PDF) >> 2.6 Mb
Image 1 (child) >> 512 kb
Image 2 (large box) >> 384 kb
Image 3 (price tag) >> 45 kb
Image 4 (small box) >> 151 kb
Image 5 (stars) >> 46 kb
Image 6 (yellow borders) >> 57 kb

Note: The tutorial is an adobe acrobat file, acrobat reader is free! To download acrobat reader click below:-

Download acrobat reader (FREE) >>

Final box advert which you will produce:-

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