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Below is a useful list of symbols and logos that appear on DVD covers. Please use the symbols to create your own movie DVD cover in photoshop.

Please note: These symbols are only used for educational purposes.


Symbol Example

A photoshop file set up with the correct DVD cover sizes. Click here to download a large version >> (Note right click on the link and choose 'save target as').

A photoshop file for the front packaging of your DVD presentation box. Click here to download a large version >> (Note right click on the link and choose 'save target as').

A photoshop file for the back packaging of your DVD presentation box. Click here to download a large version >> (Note right click on the link and choose 'save target as').

The standard DVD video format symbol. Click here to download a large version >>

The dolby stereo symbol. Click here to download a large version >>

The British Board of Film Classification rating symbols. Click here to view a large version >> Or Click here to view the BBFC website >>

FACT’s primary purpose was to protect the United Kingdom’s film and broadcasting industry against counterfeiting, copyright and trademark infringements. Click here to view a large version >> Or Click here to view the FACT website >>

The wide screen symbol. Click here to download a large version >>

A sample barcode symbol.Click here to download a large version >>

Extras! Don't forget to include information on:-

* What languages are available.
* Does it have Subtitles or not.
* The films running time in minutes.
* The filmmakers company logo.
* Quotes from film magazines about the film and their logos.
* Special features information about the film.
* Small script sample of the film.
* What extras are on the disc about the film, documentaries, interviews, etc.

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