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Design your own DVD point of sale stand. Either print out the A3 net and add your graphics or open the Photoshop file and add your graphics on the computer. If you only have an A4 printer you will have to print the DVD pos in two sections and then join it together. You will need to design the back section of the DVD stand (Note it is not shown below!).

DVD point of sale stand

File Image Example

DVD POS (Photoshop file, A3 page)

Download this photoshop file to add your graphics to the DVD POS net before you print it out onto card.

Click here to download the DVD POS net >>

DVD POS (Photoshop file, small front section)

Download this photoshop file to add your graphics to the small front section of the POS unit before you print it out onto card.

Click here to download the small front section >>

DVD POS (PDF printable file, 1 A3 page)

Download this PDF file and print out the DVD net onto card using your printer. Then draw on your graphics.

Click here to download the PDF DVD POS >>

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