Design and technology
Graphics Electronics Materials Manufacturing Tools Software
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Isometric projection

See more on isometric projection from BBC bitesize.

BBC bitesize isometric projection >>

Perspective drawing

See more on perspective drawing from BBC bitesize.

BBC bitesize perspective drawing >>

View the technology students drawing section

Lots of useful links on how to draw and other graphics tips.

Technology student drawing section >>

Basic drawing techniques

Lots of basic drawing techniques from hognosesam and his Technology at GCSE website.

Basic drawing techniques >>


Welcome to the drawing technique pages!

Click on a link below to view a PDF on a particular drawing technique.

Isometric projection (286 Kb)
Click here to download the step to step cube instructions PDF >>
Click here to view the instructions

Isometric projection (784 Kb)
Click here to download the step to step box instructions PDF >>
Click here to view the instructions









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