Design and technology
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Good logo

Good logo lists the top 250 logos voted by the public. Check out whats hot and whats not in the logo world.

View good logo website >>

Progress packaging

Excellent packaging ideas.

Progress packaging design >>

Shop front web site

Have a look at this shop front website excellent to get your ideas moving on fast!

Shop front website >>

Shop front designers

Have a look at this shop front design company and the shops that they have designed.

Shop front designers website >>

The Gorillaz merchandise shop

Have a look at the crazy merchandise the Gorillaz sell this will surely inspire you to expand your range!

Gorillaz website >>

Evaluating graphic products

BBC bitesizes guide to evaluating graphic products.

View the evaluation pages >>

How to sketch ideas

BBC bitesizes tips on how to sketch and enhance your drawings.

View the sketch link >>

Learn how to design in Adobe photoshop

Complete a tutorial and get photoshoping today!

Complete a photoshop tutorial >>


Welcome to GCSE graphic coursework document pages!

Below is a range of useful documents for pupils currently taking GCSE graphics. The main documents show your timelines and deadlines. There is also a coursework folder breakdown of what you should consider on your coursework sheets.

Type of PDF document File size File preview

Graphics coursework breakdown ** (All sheets)

View a PDF document of what coursework is required from you within your project. Open the document then go to the sheet you are interested in and see a breakdown of what is expected from you to do on that sheet.

104 Kb

Graphics coursework check list (*Contents page)

View a PDF document of all the sheets you need to produce for your graphics coursework folder. Print it off and tick what you have done and set deadlines for when you will complete the other sheets.

13 Kb

How to write a design brief and situation! (*Sheets 1)

View this PDF document it contains the questions you should consider when writing a design brief.

60 Kb

Graphics coursework deadlines / timeline (*Sheet 2)

View a PDF document of the deadlines you have for your graphics coursework. Use this document as a template for your own timeline. Note you don’t have to enter each sheet name in your timeline, simply enter main sections and important sheets. Do not copy this sheet for your timeline.

16 Kb

Graphics coursework deadlines / timeline (*Sheet 2)

This timeline sheet is what you should produce within your your folder.


Open timeline>>

How to begin a research starting point! (*Sheet 3)

View this PDF document it contains what you need to consider when completing your research starting point sheet. What research areas should you cover?

More info: See your revision guide page 10 (research analysis)

53 Kb

What should I research? (*Sheets 4 - 10)

View this PDF document it contains the questions you should consider within your research. Read about tips on how to make a good questionaire or how to evaluate products!

60 Kb

Example shopfront questionaire? (*Sheet 5)

Here are some example shopfront questions that you should consider when writing your shopfront questionaires.

More info: See your revision guide page 14 (Questionaires / surveys).

49 Kb

Example music questionaire? (*Sheet 5)

Here are some example music questions that you should consider when writing your music questionaires.

More info: See your revision guide page 14 (Questionaires / surveys).

49 Kb

Product evaluations? (*Sheet 6)

Here are some examples of an 'A' grade students evaluation sheets, it is 2 pages long. Music pupils should evaluate CD's, POS units, Tickets, posters, etc. Shop front students should take photos of shop fronts and evaluate different types of shops. Check out the bitesize evaluation tips >>

More info: See your revision guide page 5 (Evaluations).

2.2 Mb

Researching Typography? (*Sheet 7)

Here are some examples of an 'A' grade students typography sheet. Note the evaluations of the fonts of page 2 of the pdf.

More info: See your revision guide page 41 (Typography).

1.63 Mb

Researching materials? (*Sheet 8)

Here are some good web links and tips on how to complete your materials coursework sheet.

More info: See your revision guide page 7 (Board types)
(Material used in making a model) page 17, (Glues) page 18, (finishes) page 19, (Tools) page 56.

49 Kb

Ergonomics? (*Sheet 9)

Here are some good points when you are doing your ergonomics sheet.

More info: See your revision guide page 38 (Ergonomics)

61 Kb

Manufacturing techniques? (*Sheet 10)

This sheet will contain Manufacturing techniques of how your final product would be made in industry.

More info: See your revision guide page 42 (Printing)
, (CAD / CAM ) see page 47 - 50, (Manufactured in industry) see page 65 - 66 .

55 Kb

Manufacturing techniques? (*Sheet 10)

Here is an examples of an 'A' grade students manufacturing techniques sheet.

55 Kb

Analysis of research? (*Sheet 11)

This sheet will contain the findings from your research as a basic summary sheet.

50 Kb

Analysis of manufacture? (*Sheet 12)

Here you will map out all manufacturing research findings including how you will make your product. You may get this onto half a sheet or you may leave this out if your materials sheet is detailed enough.

50 Kb

How to write a good specification? (*Sheet 13)

View this PDF document it contains all the main headings that you should consider when writing a good specification. This will help you write a good graphic products specification.

More info: See your revision guide page 11 (Specification).

58 Kb

Busy ideas? (*Sheet 14 / 15)

This sheet will be your first ideas its called busy ideas as the page will look very busy when completed. You will need to do two sheets minimum.

More info: See your revision guide page 15 (Design ideas).

51 Kb

Busy ideas? (*Sheet 16)

Refine your busy ideas to 3 good ones, include annotations and evaluations. Development means to gradually improve a design.

More info: See your revision guide page 15 (Design ideas).

51 Kb

Busy ideas? (*Sheet 14 / 15)

Here is an examples of an 'A' grade students busy ideas sheet. You will need to do two sheets minimum.

More info: See your revision guide page 15 (Design ideas).

917 Kb

Busy ideas? (*Sheet 14 / 15)

Here is an examples of an 'A' grade students busy ideas sheet. You will need to do two sheets minimum.

More info: See your revision guide page 15 (Design ideas).

51 Kb

Development of ideas? (*Sheet 16)

Here is an examples of an 'A' grade students development of ideas sheet. You could follow this up with a mini questionaire of the best design. This example has 2 sheets.

More info: See your revision guide page 16 (Development of ideas).

1.46 Mb

Development of ideas? (*Sheet 16)

Here is an examples of an 'A' grade students development of ideas sheet. This sheet shows the development of a single item over stages, this is an excellent way to present your work.

More info: See your revision guide page 16 (Development of ideas).

1.01 Mb

Development of ideas? (*Sheet 16)

Here is an examples of an 'A' grade students development of ideas sheet. This sheet shows the development of a single item over stages, this is an excellent way to present your work.

More info: See your revision guide page 16 (Development of ideas).

1.01 Mb

Development of ideas? (*Sheet 16)

Here is an examples of an 'A' grade students development of ideas sheet. This sheet shows the development of a single item over stages, this is an excellent way to present your work.

More info: See your revision guide page 16 (Development of ideas).

1.01 Mb

Evaluation questionaire? (*Sheet 17)

This is where you decide which idea is the one you will turn into your final idea. Produce a small questionnaire and test the three designs on your user group then evaluate the findings. You could fit this into sheet 16 if you have space.

More info: See your revision guide page 14 (creating questionaires).

1.46 Mb

Final design sheet 1? (*Sheet 18)

Isometric drawing of final idea includes your reasons for your choices made. Done in Pro-desktop or CorelDraw for extra marks.

More info: See your revision guide page 24 and 25 (isometric projection).

1.46 Mb

Final design sheet 1? (*Sheet 18)

Here is an examples of an 'A' grade students isometric projection final design.

More info: See your revision guide page 24 and 25 (isometric projection).

1.39 Mb

Final design sheet 2? (*Sheet 19)

An orthographic projection of your products and nets drawn to scale, drawn to BSI standards and include a cutting list.

More info: See your revision guide page 31 (orthographic projection).

55 Kb

Final design sheet 2? (*Sheet 19)

Here is an examples of an orthographic drawing.

More info: See your revision guide page 31 (orthographic projection).

55 Kb

Final design sheet 2? (*Sheet 19)

Here is an example of an orthographic drawing.

More info: See your revision guide page 31 (orthographic projection).

55 Kb

Final design sheet 2? (*Sheet 19)

Here is an example of a shop front as an orthographic drawing.

More info: See your revision guide page 31 (orthographic projection).

666 Kb

Explaination of shopfront Scale 2? (*Sheet 19)

Here is an example of scaled measurements for your shop front. This sheet will help you produce your final orthographic drawing.

More info: See your revision guide page 31 (orthographic projection).

666 Kb

Final design sheet 2? (*Sheet 19)

Here is an example of CD POS as a orthographic drawing.

More info: See your revision guide page 31 (orthographic projection).

1.00 Mb

Final design sheet 3? (*Sheet 20)

This will be a pictorial drawing. A pictorial drawing is as drawing close to a photo as you can get it. Use Photoshop, or draw it by hand. If hand drawn use rendering techniques and shadings.

55 Kb

Final design sheet 3? (*Sheet 20)

Here is an example of shop front as a pictoral drawing.

55 Kb

Final design sheet 3? (*Sheet 20)

Here is an example of a CD and Ticket as a pictoral drawing.

55 Kb

Production Plan? (*Sheet 22)

This is a file that shows how you have made your final main product. If you have made several products just show how you made your main product.

55 Kb

Evaluations - Modifications? (*Sheet 23)

What modifications and improvements did you make during construction? Here is an example modifcations sheet. Use photographs to show your changes.

700 Kb

Evaluations - Testing?
(*Sheet 24)

Test your final product, does it do everything it is meant to do? Does your POS unit work, are your fonts easy to read, etc. Here is a testing evaluation sheet example.

700 Kb

Consumer evaluations?
(*Sheet 25)

Questionaire / Interview your users and potential customers, would they buy your product, etc? You can only do this once you have finished your products.

Evaluations - Proposed modifications?
(*Sheet 26)

How would you improve your product if you did it again, or if you made the second development of it?

700 Kb

Evaluations - Final evaluation?
(*Sheet 27)

On this sheet you reflect on your work. You will check your specification and use it as a guide, mention modifications you did, did you meet all the specification points?

1.3 Mb

Industrial practices?
(*Sheet 28)

On this sheet you will consider how you produce this product in quantity in industry? What manufacturing techniques will you use? Social environmental issues. On this sheet you should consider:

25 Kb

QA & QC?
(*Sheet 29)

On this sheet you will discuss what quality control and quality assessments and what total quality management you implemented and how is it done in industry? How did you ensure your product was made well and is suitable? On this sheet you should consider.

700 Kb

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