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Flattened net photos

View flattened or opened out net photographs here! Click on education then product design and scroll down.

Flattened nets >>

Paper cd case web site

Enter in your details and the site produces a simple net for a CD. You can then save the PDF and print it out ready for making (ACE!).

View the paper cd case site >>

Create a CD point of sale unit!

Follow the Corel Draw CD point of sale tutorial and create a point of sale unit that can hold 10 CD's.

Do the CD POS tutorial >>

Net ideas

What net will you produce? research different types here.

View the pi-pkg site >>


What is a net?

A net is often called a development net. It is a flat two dimensional shape, which contains score lines and when is folded and glued together forms a three dimensional shape. Nets are often used for packaging items such as orange cartons, point of sale display units, tissue boxes and so on.

Net shapes

When a net is made it is important that the net keeps some symmetry. All opposite edges must be equal so that when you fold them together they are the same length. Nets also need flaps or tabs, these flaps or tabs are drawn on the outside of the nets and are glued under the net to keep it together. Please look below at the net and made up box.


When nets are made in industry they are printed on printing presses and wasted space costs money! So when the nets are up on the printing press they are put into a pattern called tessellation in order to reduce waste. The nets are then cut out with a tool called a die cutter. The die cutter stamps out the net, then creasing bars are used to fold the net into its required shape. Glue is then added by machine to produce the final net.

Net examples

Have a look at these nets so you get an idea of what they are and what can be made.

View free net examples from pete jvisser >>

  Mr DT says 'Read the text above and then answer these questions below'. Write your answers on a sheet of paper, dont forget to write your name on the sheet!:-

1). What is a net?
2). What are nets often used for?
3). How are nets made in industry?
4). Please draw the net above, then cut it out and make it!

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