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Flying pig

See a wealth of animated paper and card kits. Hours of fun!

See >>

Free nets from flying-pig >>


Design your own 'pop up shop' card as seen in the image below. Either colour in the PDF net yourself or download the photoshop files and add your graphics in photoshop. Please see the downloads grid below, you will need to download the photoshop files 1 and 2.

Pop up shop card

File Image Example

Pop up shop card centre photoshop file (File 1, Photoshop file)

Download this photoshop file to add your graphics to the centre of the pop up shop card.

Click here to download the pop up shop centre section >>

Pop up shop section photoshop file (File 2, Photoshop file)

Download this photoshop file to add your graphics to the centre of the pop up shop card.

Click here to download the pop up shop section >>

How to make your pop up shop tutorial

Download the pdf tutorial file, this will help you make your card. 1.89MB.

Click here to download the tutorial >>

Pop up shop section photoshop file (Printable PDF file, 2 pages)

Download this PDF file and print out the pop up shop onto card using your printer.

Click here to download the PDF shop pop up >>

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