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Ensure you get yourself a Lonsdale ‘Graphic Products’ revision guide, edited by Debbie Eason. There is also a Lonsdale 'Graphic products workbook' available that can be used as a strucured revision programme.


Lonsdale ‘The essentials of GCSE design and technology: Graphic Products’ revision guide, edited by Debbie Eason.

Lonsdale ‘The essentials of GCSE design and technology: Graphic Products Workbook’, edited by Russel Jones. Can be used as a structured revision programme..

You will need to use the revise all topics within the revision guide. Use the contents pages to tick off what you have revised and what you still need to look at.

You can also revise using this website and the web links below. These websites contain graphic products information and online tests!

Revision checklist

Download and use the revision checklist document. Take control of your revision by using the word doc to tick off the topics you have revised.

Download the revision checklist here >>


Website Contains

The BBC bitesize website. Contains a wealth of information, including the main topics and online tests.

View the BBC bitesize revision site >>

Take the BBC bitesize graphic products mock exam. The answers are also available.

Take the BBC bitesize mock exam >>

Mock exam answers >>

The technology student website contains a wealth of revision materials.

View the technology student site >>

The Design and tech website contains useful graphic products web links and information.

View the design and tech site >>


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